Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Selecting Investment To Prepare For Children Education Fund

On February 3 last, I was in Semarang for NOVA's invitation to give seminars on how to design children education budget. Although this topic I've written before in NOVA No. 642 and 643, I felt up whenever this topic will remain interesting when discussed.

The seminar consisted of two sessions. The first session discussed the importance of preparing children's education funds and how to calculate its budget. While the second session is specifically to train the participants how they can calculate their own budget for the education of their children.

Before the first session ended, I get a lot of questions about what investment products are "appropriate" in preparing children's education fund. Even when the rest of seminars (coffee break), there is only participant who approached me and asked whether investment in this product and it was profitable or not.

Because of that, it occurred to me to discuss about the preparation children's education funds, but in terms of investment products. This means that any investment products are available for the preparation of children's education fund, and what the pros and cons of each.

Let us repeat the previous bit. In preparing the children's education fund, was not only need to know about how to calculate the budget for the preparation of their education funds, but also what investment products should be selected. For example, you've done the calculations and find that you need to save as much as Rp 100 thousand per month to prepare your child's education fund. Now the question is, where money USD 100 thousand had to ditabungkan? Savings to the Bank, buy gold, buy mutual funds, insurance open education, or where else?

At NOVA earlier when writing about how to prepare the children's education fund, I was more focused on how to calculate its budget. It's not where the money should be invested. Let's discuss what investment alternatives to choose parents in preparing their children's education fund and what the pros and cons of each.

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