Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Investment Finance - Education Insurance

Congratulations if you have been through pregnancy safely and deliver a healthy baby. We believe the current financial condition of the mother much different when compared with the family's financial condition during pregnancy or even at the time was still struggling to get pregnant. This is reasonable because as a new parent, the mother would want to give the best for any child (especially the first child).

This behavior and create a new parents do not notice anything more important than infant formula expensive (premium) for the baby's brain growth. Another thing that is not less important to that is education. We call it that because a child's brain any good mother, she should continue to use education to college level to pursue a career in the future.

For this reason a new parent, the mother must set aside part of the income mothers to begin preparing the children's education funds such as education and insurance savings education. The reason is quite reasonable, she will never know what will happen in the future. For that whatever happens later, the children's education fund should be met when the child needed later.

Insurance Education

One of the interesting things to choose is insurance education. Just like life insurance, education insurance will be liquid at a particular time in this case is when the child needs for school fees. Education insurance fund will be liquid when the child started elementary school, starting in junior high, began in high school to universities. This means that mothers get a refund large enough if the child requires an entrance fee of the new school.

Insurance premiums Education

Just as in general insurance, education insurance premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, half yearly to yearly. Especially for those who are willing to pay annual (by using the momentum from the income or bonus THR) is usually given an additional facility which is a premium refund for 1 year. This means that for 2 years, you only have to pay a premium of 1 year.

Choosing Insurance Education

Motto carried by the insurance company is "Risk Is Our Business". This means they work with to manage the risk to earn a living. Because of this you should choose an insurance company that was bona fide when it later emerged that claim (child goes to school) the company could pay the money that has become your rights well.

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