Monday, September 14, 2009

Being an insurance agent, why not?

The manager or leader in the insurance company will often motivate the agents to say that the insurance agent is the most noble profession in the world. How not, in fact this is so, because in principle at an early stage they help provide information and financial advice is highly valuable to prospective customers and clients. The ideal insurance agent who is very concerned with its customers, began as an approach, closing the sale, 'maintaining' the customer, even to the maintenance of insurance claims. They save the families bereaved by the husband / father as the family economic support. They assist us in planning for long-term funds for the continuity of education of our children. They helped find financial solutions for customers who have permanent disabilities in order to continue to make a living.

So, if you are interested to be an insurance agent, remember that the main essence of the task is to help others. If simply for money or commissions, you will easily feared down when faced with rejection. Remember, professional insurance agents most experienced rejection, compared with similar professions, such as a motorcycle salesman (usually you will be greeted with smiles and hope). So, if you become an insurance agent with a base to help others, you will not be disappointed or down quickly when faced with rejection, even things could turn around, you will be liked and needed by your customer. Kalo gitu, mau dong so insurance agent, who was afraid?

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